Advantages of clothing re-production from Aylar Behzadi's point of view

  • 20-December-2022


The fashion industry is the second most polluting industry in the world.  Sustainable fashion and fashion industry is a new approach in the field of fashion that has been proposed as a response to consumerism and earth pollution.

 Since the 1990s, retailers have produced cheap, low-quality clothing to meet the high demand for fashion trends.  Previously, the collection was presented by companies in four seasons, but nowadays it reaches more than 10 collections per year.


Textile recycling only accounts for approximately 15% of total production each year, and 85% of that production ends up in landfills.  When consumers throw away clothing, it not only wastes money and resources, but the material takes 200+ years to decompose in a landfill.  During the decomposition process, textiles produce methane gas and leach toxic chemicals into groundwater and soil.  In the article on the effects of textile and clothing industry on the environment, we have discussed this issue more.


What is sustainable fashion?


 Sustainable fashion is clothing that does not harm our environment and is made of green materials.  Many people do not realize the negative impact of fabric and buying too many clothes on the environment.  Clothing and textiles can be bulk collected, packaged, and reprocessed into raw materials to produce new apparel or non-apparel products.


Professionals in this industry have developed eco-friendly fabrics and researched alternatives to animal materials.  Some fashion houses are looking for vegetable leather made from plastic layers, to know more about this, do not miss the article leather produced from plants, a new door to the fashion industry.  They must also be subject to a licensing system that includes waste targets.  This move is towards a cleaner and greener future.


 With the aim of considering the rights of living beings, sustainable fashion aims at creative designs in harmony with professional values and high quality.  Fashion houses want customers to be proud of what they wear.  Not just aesthetically, but through the message the designs convey, which is a positive impact on the environment and society.  Such initiatives can help build recurring revenue and customer loyalty, a constant challenge for brands that spend heavily on marketing.


changing life style


 Moving towards this lifestyle is not easy and it is not always the brands that initiate positive changes.  So, here are some simple ways to recycle and reuse them in your personal life.


Swap your clothes:

 You've probably heard the saying, "One man's trash is another man's treasure."  The same goes for your second-hand clothes.

 Renting clothes for special occasions:

 For special occasions that require a new outfit, such as a job interview, this item will be an attractive proposition.

 Donate healthy and unused clothes for yourself:

 Donating clothes to charities is a great way to keep textiles from ending up in landfills.

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