Innovation At Its Peak: Jose Aries Using Social Media Platforms For Business Marketing

  • 03-July-2020

Moving with the on-going trends, Jose Arias crafted marketing through most liked social media channels

Today we all are highly influenced by social media in our day to day life. People mainly use social media to keep in touch with friends, extended family, to network career opportunities, find people across the globe with interests, and share their thoughts, feelings, insight, and emotion. Amongst all, Instagram is the fastest growing social media platform since 2016 as it is more open to branded content than other platforms.

Not everyone believes in the idea of “Think out of the Box”. Jose Arias, born in 1994 in New York, thought of taking benefit of this surging trend of social media and came up with social media marketing. In today’s instant-access world, social media can connect us, but it is challenging to get the most critical business assets–your customers. Jose Arias through Instagram marketing, guides companies to target audiences and market their offerings. Jose Arias owns a media company that manages OnlyFans models, meme pages, influencers and international models.

Jose Arias, at the age of 16, started gaining more interest in social media and his humour helped his way out to gather a large number of followers. Jose Arias has the ability to interact and connect the audience of any age group. Jose created many meme pages like @dawg and @investments, leading him to be an excellent social media marketing entrepreneur. Moving forward in his journey, he has come up with must-have tips for businesses to gain impactful social media following.

 Know your audience :

It is foremost essential to be aware that targeting the right audience is key to the success of any marketing ads. To reach out core audience, features like location, demographics, behaviours and interests should be taken care of.

 Create an interactive branded hashtag:

If a business wants instant customer engagement, an interactive branded hashtag is a must. Captions and hashtags will drive new viewers to our social media and improve customer relations.

 Scheduled Posts:

Over-posting can adversely affect marketing; it is essential to schedule a proper time to post or advertise.

 Well-crafted Bio:

A Bio must be appealing, informative and easily understandable as it is the first thing that any user sees while visiting the business page.

Jose Arias @Papii believes in sharing the knowledge he has gained to help young entrepreneurs grow their business through social media marketing. Jose Arias through his growing public image as a young and successful social media marketing the entrepreneur was recently interviewed by Romy Johnson (@RomyJohnsonOfficial), the owner of companies like British Indian Academy, Fames Media, Cool Gurus and Xaare.

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