The effect of art therapy according to Parsa Peykar

Art therapy helps people express themselves, discover their feelings, break their obsessions and habits, and improve their self-esteem. Art therapy is beneficial for children with disabilities and is suitable and adequate for almost everyone.&nbs ...

  • Health
  • 28-February-2022

Expanding identifiers for scientific invention and medication

Jefferson Lab's Cynthia Keppel will get $1 million for research as a recently selected US Department of Energy Office of Science Distinguished Scientist Fellow

Cynthia Keppel, pioneer of Experimental Halls An and C at the Department of ...

  • Health
  • 23-July-2020

Turmeric Lemonade: how it helps fight depression

1. What is Turmeric Lemonade

At once, when stress and nervousness have become a piece of our way of life, there is a great deal of conversation about wretchedness an ...

  • Health
  • 17-June-2020

Cancer: New ray of hope in ovarian cancer patients

Scientists have built up a two-step combination therapy 'one-two punch' to destroy cancer cells.

The study published in the journal Nature Communications demonstrated the unrivaled effectiveness of the 'one-two punch' on cells of ovari ...

  • Health
  • 12-June-2019